Sunday, April 30, 2017

Siesta Time in Spain …

… limits the desire for intense excursions.   

Barcelona ...

We gave up the crowds and the opportunity to once again see Antoni Gaudi's most famous work, the Basilica commonly known as the Sagrada Familia. 

Begun in 1883, we captured this photo of the newly consecrated cathedral during our 2012 visit. Even though it is still under construction, we figured it hadn't changed much in 5 years and decided to follow the locals outside the city and take it easy.  

In the countryside near Barcelona, we found the Torres Winery:


Torres is a family owned business (five generations, represented by the stone sculptures above).  With vineyards that occupy a mere 3,700 acres and being represented in 150 countries, it's hardly a mom and pop operation.

Environmentally friendly, they contend,  "The more we care for the earth, the better our wine."

For example, a rose bush is placed at both ends of each row of vines.  Rather than using pesticides, it seems roses are similar to grape vines, biologically speaking, but are more sensitive allowing for earlier detection of harmful bacteria, insects, etc.

Also, most electrical requirements are satisfied with banks of solar tracking panels spread thoughout the vineyards.

It's quite an operation.  Then came the marketing coups de gras of all coups de grasses ... the floor lights of a large gathering room gradually dimmed, then went completely black.  Surprisingly, one by one, the many glass-faced cellars  illuminated to show their contents and then went back to black.  Each revealed a different wine being stored at a unique and perfect temperature.  Makes me thirsty to think about it.

Next was wine tasting time.  I don't normally like fruity wines, but Vina Esmeralda was great.  Light, bright, fruity ... to heck with the food pairing, I'm thinking it will go great while sitting in the pool this summer.

Next, A Day at Sea ...

Followed by an anniversary dinner and an addition to our room ...

Followed by a Morning in Gibraltar ...

Surrounded by Spain, Gibraltar is actually part of Great Britain ...


and at its lighthouse the most southern point in Europe.


A beautiful terrace, British scones, jam, clotted cream, a cup of tea, and a fantastic view of Morocco across the Straight of Gibraltar seems like a pleasant way to spend a Sunday morning.  

Ya know ...  ya got ta do wha' cha got ta do.

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