Monday, April 17, 2017

Israel: Part 1


It was a tug, but key to our decision to pass up the opportunity to visit Jerusalem was the fact that we had visited the various religious sites associated with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and wandered the cobbled streets and crowded markets on a prior trip.

The Dome of The Rock, where Mohammed is said to have ascended into heaven, now occupies the Temple Mount where once stood the First and Second Temples of the Hebrews.  Below this mosque you can see the wall surrounding the old city of Jerusalem.  This photo is taken from near the Mount of Olives toward the Essene Gate. 

We concluded our time in Israel could best be spent exploring elsewhere.

But to talk about other parts of Israel without describing the magic that is Jerusalem, seems a little anti-climactic.  So let’s do this.

During the last two weeks Jodi Magness, a highly credentialed professor of archaeology at UNC, presented 6 amazing lectures on the Ancient Near East.  Among three other women from Jerusalem, she is featured in a fantastic documentary on Jerusalem (link to video below).  If you’re so inclined and have a spare 45 minutes watch it, it’s well worth your time. 

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